v0.75OK1SIM Czech Republic | Login*

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OK1SIM Czech Republic - First Czech Cloud HUB
  Node  Node InfoReceivedDirConnectedMode


153693W9DOR147.21Sturgeon Bay, WI  
248122ND3IRPT/YAESU/C4FMPhiladelphia ,PA  
353935KB4ZIN146.760Williamsburg, Virginia  
455553Parrot+enhanced parrotPlano, TX  
548296K6LNK-*** CARLA HUB & UPLINK ***  
759436E25LGRpt. 145.6750 MHzHatyai, Songkhla  
846331N4LMCW4GTA 145.350 100.0Lookout Mtn, GA - EL W4EDP-R  
950683GB3PI145.750Barkway, Hertfordshire, UK  
102296GB3FI430.925 +7.6MHzAxbridge, Somerset, UK  
1147000GB3SJ145.6875 MHzNorthwich Cheshire  
122514GB3ZB430.825 +7.6MHzDundry, Bristol  
1344283M0NFIAllstar-IcecastNWRG, UK  
1440064M0JKTFreeSTAR DV GMWfreestar.network  
15583522OK1SIM Pilsen, CzechPersonal nodeCzech Republic  
163735023OK0AE-R[EchoLink 735023]-  
173325325-[EchoLink 325325]-  
183496171OK0BZR-R[EchoLink 496171]-  
193199325OK0BHJ-R[EchoLink 199325]-  
203384074OK0BNH-R[EchoLink 384074]-  
213099007OK0BAB-R[EchoLink 99007]-  
223186519OK0BL-R[EchoLink 186519]-  
233321243OK0BBF-R[EchoLink 321243]-  
243618370OK0BS-R[EchoLink 618370]-  
253778837OK0DAN-R[EchoLink 778837]-  
263687447OK0EB-R[EchoLink 687447]-  
273654487OK0G-R[EchoLink 654487]-  
283656076OK0K-R[EchoLink 656076]-  
293541202OK0MM-R[EchoLink 541202]-  
303556873-[EchoLink 556873]-  
313352149-[EchoLink 352149]-  
3255436KC5NTX-Fort Worth, TX  
333088111OK0BH-R[EchoLink 88111]-  
342462WW7PSR146.960-Seattle, WA  
3549999KB8JNMUnder DevelopmentEast Ohio  
3629999KB8JNM-GHVirtual Gateway HUBEast Ohio  

wwwroot=/var/www/asl.vlastni.cloud, asdir=allscan, subdir=, relpath=allscan
DB Tables: user, cfg
File system space free 81.3% (36.54/44.96 GB)
2 file(s) > 50MB found in /var/log:
btmp 145.5 MB
lastlog 162.8 MB
Unable to cd to /var/log/asterisk
Node 583521 read from ../supermon/allmon.ini
astdb.txt last updated 2024-09-19
Reading astdb.txt...
35526 Nodes in ASL DB
36 favorites read from ../supermon/favorites.ini

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